
Updated logo designs for Majo Media Productions.

Illustration and geometric shapes designed and made in Photoshop CC and Illustrator CC to be used in INGED International ELT Conference’s promotional poster.

Book cover, spine and back cover design for a soon-to-be-published book “Materials in ELT: Design, Adaptation and Evaluation” by Aydan Ersöz made in Illustrator CC.


KKD logo_navyred.png

Logo & greeting cards (New Years, Atatürk Memorial Day, Republic Day of Turkey) for the Kandilli Kültür Association.

Emergent Threat Logo 1.png
Emergent Threat Logo 3.png
Et set 1.png
Et set 2.png

Emergent Threat logo design proposal.

Be Messy logo design proposal.

Be Messy logo design proposal.

Book cover, spine and back cover design for the published book “Teaching Children English” in Turkey.

Book cover, spine and back cover design for the published book “Teaching Children English” in Turkey.

Mirai Digital Ltd. logo options.

Mirai Digital Ltd. logo options.


INGED official logo.

INGED official logo.

Exploit Studio conference promotional poster.

Exploit Studio conference promotional poster.

Exploit Studio logo design proposal.

Exploit Studio logo design proposal.

Shoot The Runner Podcast cover design proposal.

Shoot The Runner Podcast cover design proposal.



Updated labels for London Organic’s beauty line made with InDesign CC during my placement year in 2018.

This is a flyer design made and printed for the second pop-up boutique of London Organic PR during my placement in 2018 made in Illustrator CC and InDesign CC.

This is a flyer design made and printed for the second pop-up boutique of London Organic PR during my placement in 2018 made in Illustrator CC and InDesign CC.

This is a flyer design made and printed for the first pop-up boutique of London Organic PR during my placement in 2017 Illustrator CC and InDesign CC.

This is a flyer design made and printed for the first pop-up boutique of London Organic PR during my placement in 2017 Illustrator CC and InDesign CC.